Pediatric Oncology & Radiology

Pediatric Oncology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children. The most common childhood cancer types include leukemia, brain tumour’s and lymphomas and the researchers are looking for genetic source of childhood cancer.  It is acknowledged that neuroblastoma  (less common cancer type) is an embryonic malignancy of the sympathetic nervous system arising from neuroblasts (pluripotent sympathetic cells). Pediatric Radiology advice its readers of new decision and growth in all field of pediatric develop and in related fields. This is conclude by a blend of initial papers, and reviews outline the present state of knowledge in an appropriate topic. Contents carry advances in technology, apparatus, methodology, and auxiliary apparatus are presented, and alteration of standard techniques.

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Palliative care
  • Transfusion medicine
  • Pediatric leukemias
  • Pediatric lymphomas
  • Pediatric brain tumors
  • Pediatric osteosarcoma
  • Pediatric neuroblastoma
  • Pediatric imaging
  • Radiographic technologies
  • Sub-mSv acquisitions
  • Diatom-free imaging technologies

Related Conference of Pediatric Oncology & Radiology

August 19-20, 2024

25th Annual World Congress on Pediatrics

Zurich, Switzerland
September 05-06, 2024

24th World Congress on Pediatric Neurology and Neuropathology

Brussels, Belgium
September 12-13, 2024

28th World Nutrition and Pediatrics Healthcare Conference

Paris, France
September 19-20, 2024

25th World Congress on Pediatric Oncology and Cancer Care

Paris, France
September 19-20, 2024

3rd International Conference on Neonatology

Paris, France
September 26-27, 2024

19th European Congress on Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care

Budapest, Hungary
October 21-22, 2024

8th World Pediatrics Conference

Tokyo, Japan
November 27-28, 2024

3rd World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology

Amsterdam, Netherlands
February 24-25, 2025

24th Annual World Congress on Neonatology

Toronto, Canada
February 24-25, 2025

34th World Congress on Clinical Pediatrics

Toronto, Canada
March 10-11, 2025

23rd  World Congress on Clinical Pediatrics

Toronto, Canada
March 24-25, 2025

39th Global Summit on Pediatrics

London, UK
April 16-17, 2025

4th International Congress on Pediatrics

Tokyo, Japan
April 16-17, 2025

2nd World Congress on Pediatrics and Nutrition

Tokyo, Japan
May 15-16, 2025

37th European Pediatrics Congress

Paris, France
May 26-27, 2025

38th World Pediatrics Conference

Rome, Italy

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